About Us
Luxury appraisers have emerged as a profession due to the creation of counterfeit luxury items. This profession has always been scarce because, with the expanding demands of the market and enterprises, the number of people wanting to become appraisers or run second-hand luxury stores or online businesses has increased. Many people have entered this industry out of a passion for luxury items, dedicating a significant amount of energy to studying and researching them, thereby quickly improving their skills and gaining a good reputation. However, some people, with just a little knowledge, become overconfident and boast tenfold about their abilities. In reality, whether it is “authority” or “expert,” these titles may seem glamorous on the surface, but the higher the title, the harder the fall. To test whether an appraiser is a true “expert,” it ultimately comes down to their capabilities. An “authoritative” luxury appraiser cannot be made simply by attending a few courses. The skillset of an appraiser is composed of several key elements:
1.) The pricing ability is determined by the retail prices of major luxury brands’ popular models in flagship stores + prices in purchasing agent stores + outlet prices + prices among peers.
2.) The ability to judge the authenticity of an item comes from the amount of knowledge + the number of items inspected + keeping up-to-date with the craftsmanship of the highest quality counterfeits on the market (accurately identifying the red line between poorly made authentic items and well-made counterfeits directly affects the accuracy of judgment).
3.) The ability to distinguish the authenticity of new items comes from understanding the historical craftsmanship features of brands + the current craftsmanship features of brands. To achieve the above points, in addition to working hours, a significant amount of personal time needs to be spent on these activities. When encountering well-made counterfeits, one might even need to purchase them at their own expense for careful study. It requires long-term accumulation and reflection to truly demonstrate the highest level of capability as an appraiser.
Based on my experience, the demand for luxury appraisers is only going to increase. In fact, in foreign countries, luxury appraisers are already considered a high-paying profession. With the economic development in China, the demand for luxury items is growing. The rapid development of online shopping means that more people will need luxury appraisers.